WomenWise, the business directory of choice for all Australian Women, now comes to you when you travel! You can access all of your MyWomenWise details while you travel and you don’t even need an internet connection. Simply start up MyWW, your online information will Synchronise to your mobile app and get access to all of your contact details and notes.
This is the way to link your mobile device to your MY WomenWise account. Don’t have an account? Get one here www.womenwise.com.au.
Register with your MyWomenWise account and access the details of the businesses you have tagged in your personal WomenWise area. Access Contact details and Notes about the business. See if you have rated them worthy of using again or to stay away!
This is phase one of this application and we have in mind some pretty cool enhancements in the coming months.
Thanks for looking and make sure you download TODAY!